On line Personalised Education

At Fomento’s Schools, while the health crisis was being declared, we began converting our educational offer into an online platform.

What is Fomento? | Trilingualism

Trilingualism The development schools promote the development of multilingual competence. Following the recommendations of the Council of Europe, it is


Trilingualism The development schools promote the development of multilingual competence. Following the recommendations of the Council of Europe, it is

18-19 Fomento Annual Report

You can now consult the digital version of the 18-19 Fomento Annual Report. This new edition of the report presents

The Schools | Kid’s Garden

Children’s Centres Kid’s Garden emerged in 1998 to meet the new needs of younger families and to encourage learning at

Web map

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Legal Notice

This section includes information on the conditions of access and use of this website that must be known by the

What is Fomento? | The People

Parents That get involved in education The right and responsibility of the education of children belongs to parents, whom the

FOMENTO DE CENTROS DE ENSEÑANZA, S.A. le informa de que los datos personales que se recogen a través de este formulario serán incorporados a su sistema de tratamiento y serán tratados con la finalidad de gestionar su solicitud de asistencia al Open Day o jornada de puertas abiertas en nuestras instalaciones

Puede ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación del tratamiento y portabilidad de los datos, dirigiéndose a FOMENTO DE CENTROS DE ENSEÑANZA, S.A., mediante un escrito, con la petición concreta que realiza, a la calle Costa Brava, nº 6-28034 Madrid o un correo electrónico a: [email protected], acompañado de una fotocopia de su documento de identidad.

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Puede obtener más información sobre nuestra política de privacidad en: https://www.fomento.edu/politica-privacidad/