Empantallados presents its new book on digital education

The Empantallados has published its book, Screened: How to Successfully Educate Your Children in a World Full of Screens, together with the publisher Penguin Random House. It is a complete guide on digital education.

The Empantallados has published its book, Screened: How to Successfully Educate Your Children in a World Full of Screens, together with the publisher Penguin Random House. It is a complete guide on digital education. It brings together more than five years of experience listening to parents, working with experts from various fields and researching, together with GAD3, the impact that screens have on family life.

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The book, available from September 15, aims to take care of digital health; and offer guidelines to educate our children in a responsible and healthy use of technology.

The team of authors is made up of María José Abad, Coordinator of the Empantallados project; Rocío García de Leániz, Head of the School for Parents of Empantallados; Luisfer Martínez Alhama, Creative Director of Emtallados and José Martín Aguado: member of the Empantallados team, and teacher at the Fomento Los Olmos school.

"You will find advice by age, frequently asked questions answered clearly, and reflections and guidelines on digital well-being that can also be of use to you personally."

María José Abad, author of the book
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Digital education, a unique opportunity

At what age should a child first be introduced to a screen? What effect can social networks have on the mental health of my adolescent? Parental controls, yes or no? This and many other questions are answered plainly in the recently published book of Empantallados.

Screens offer us a unique opportunity to continue educating. Learning to educate in this context, as in any other, requires dedication and training on the part of parents and educators.

Las pantallas nos brindan una ocasión única para seguir educando. Aprender a educar en este contexto, como en cualquier otro, requiere por parte de padres y educadores dedicación y formación.

“This is a book that I would recommend for all parents to have at home. I think it will become a continuous reference manual for them.”
Paloma Blanc (@7paresdeKatiuskas), mother of a large family

The book offers advice by age and frequently asked questions, as well as reflections and guidelines on digital well-being. This material is complemented with illustrations, highlights and downloadable resources to facilitate reading. It is a reference manual designed to read often or to consult specific issues in the index to find relevant information. o acudir, a través del índice, a buscar información sobre asuntos concretos. 

Accompanying families in digital education

Empantallados.com is a non-profit platform that was created in 2017 to help parents in the digital education of their children. It is an initiative of Fomento de Centros de Enseñanza, in collaboration with numerous experts in education, health and technology.

Currently, Empantallados is a member of the public-private consortium led by INCIBE (Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute) for welfare centers for minors in the EU member countries, co-financed by the European Commission.

"This is a great resource to find guidelines on where to start and what is important to keep in mind to promote healthy use of technology in children and adolescents."
Charo Sádaba, dean of the Faculty of Communication at the University of Navarra and ranking of the TOP 100 leading women in the category of thinkers and experts

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